Summer Reading
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Please find below the summer reading challenges for each of the current year groups from the VIs-IIs. Your son will bring a printed copy home but we are posting them all here in case they are 'lost'!
Please do read through the pack and encourage your son to read his 5 books during the long summer break. The reading lists are tailored to each year group: these are suggestions of new books or those books popular with their general age range.
Your son will also bring home a postcard to fill in and send back to the Ludgrove library at some point over the summer break. These will then form part of a display when we return. It will be fun to see how far-flung we are while reading and to find out how varied the reading material is (we plan to analyse the chosen genres and display the results).
Feel free to send as many additional postcards back as you would like; they don’t have to be the ones given out.
If parents would like to join in, you are VERY welcome: the teachers and other staff will all have postcards to send, too.