Art, CDT & Pottery
Links in this sectionThe Art and Pottery studios and CDT workshop are housed in our new Exploration Centre building. We moved into our new facilities during the academic year 2020/2021.
The main aim of the Art Department at Ludgrove is to provide the boys with an understanding and enjoyment of this subject. Whether a boy goes on to study Art at a higher level, the ability to appreciate and enjoy the Arts is incredibly important throughout life. The syllabus is designed to teach a wide range of practical, traditional and innovative skills with which to create their work.
Much importance is placed on the experience of drawing throughout all our projects. Art lessons, extra sessions, exhibitions and workshops provide the boys with many opportunities to explore and develop their ideas, building self-confidence, team working skills and hopefully starting a lifelong passion for the Arts.
We have thriving Pottery and CDT departments with specialist teaching staff. Pottery is taught in Years 4 and 5, then offered as an extra in Years 6 to 8. CDT is taught in Years 4 and 5, then taught to some division groups where the timetable allows through to year 8.
The Department is often open to boys outside lesson times throughout the week, including Sunday afternoons. During these periods, boys are free to explore and develop their own work in any of the available disciplines. Staff are present during these sessions to discuss, encourage and develop the boys' creative ideas. The Department works hard to provide a happy, relaxed working environment where boys feel comfortable and can visit any time to enjoy seeing their imaginative ideas develop.
Art exhibitions are a frequent occurrence throughout the school year. The Juniors, Seniors and art scholars visit galleries, museums and parks to find inspiration for their work. Curriculum enrichment is also provided by visiting artists holding practical workshops each term.