Old Ludgrovian Golf Day
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Sunday 28th April 2019
The sun shone and the Red course at the Berkshire proved to be a tough assignment for the assembled sixteen Old Ludgrovian golfers.
We tackled the course in teams of threes and fours with the senior team of Richard Barber (1955), Rick Goodhew (1962) and Charles Shaw (1962) winning the team prize by two points.
Individual honours went to Charlie Snow (1978) with 34 points defeating Simon Beccle (1977) and Henry Neame (1987) by two. Others present were James Goodhew (1995), Piers Stoop (2000), Will Hyslop (2009), Mike Bishop (1994), Henry Emson (1994), Max Konig (1990), Sam Elworthy (1988), Garth Milne (1955) and guest artist Pete Shaw.
The day was much enjoyed and will be repeated in April 2020 so please sign up next year if you would like to join us,