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Ludgrove School

Ludgrove School

Top Year boys rise to the many challenges of their Leavers' Trip

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Top Year rose to the challenges of the Leavers’ Trip, taking on rock climbing, surfing, kayaking, hiking and outdoor pursuits in their stride. 

And it really was the simplest things in life that gave them the greatest pleasure… Despite being sophisticated young men in Year 8, the boys on the Leavers’ Trip enjoyed just being together on the beach and getting the most out of their last weeks together. And let’s face it, what could be better than beach cricket, skimming stones and racing crabs?!

The fun didn't stop in the evenings - in fact, it had only just begun! Team building games, camp fires, toasting marshmallows… these are all memories the boys can treasure when they look back on their golden prep school days.