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Ludgrove School

Ludgrove School

Old Ludgrovian News

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  • Wiggin Cup, Old Boys Football match

    Published 12/11/18
    Sunday, 4th November 2018
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  • Sets Football in London

    Published 06/11/18
    6th October 2018
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  • Football Match

    Published 01/10/18
    Sunday 30th September 2018
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  • Golf Day

    Published 17/09/18
    Sunday 16th September 2018
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  • Tea with Mr & Mrs Gerald and Laurie

    Published 21/05/18
    The final auction lot at our 125th Anniversary ball in December 2017 was tea at Ludgrove with Mr and Mrs Gerald and Laurie. 
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  • 125th Anniversary Ball

    Published 05/12/17
    Saturday 2nd December 2017. "Celebrating 125 years of spirit, friends, manners and Sets Football! 'Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all the might'."
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  • Ludgrove v. Elstree

    Published 13/11/17
    On Sunday 5th November, the annual football match took place between the Old Ludgrovians and the Old Elstree boys.   Held this year at Ludgrove, it was a brilliant game with a winning score to the OLs of 6-3.  A big thank you to Peter Eckersley once again for organising the team and t...
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  • Old Ludgrovians' Sets Football

    Published 20/10/17
    South Park, London, 14th October 2017
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  • Old Ludgrovian Golf Day

    Published 27/04/17
    Twenty six intrepid Old Ludgrovian golfers assembled at the Berkshire on Sunday on a stunningly sunny day. 
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  • OLs' Elstree Football Match

    Published 28/11/16
    On Sunday 27th November, the annual football match took place between the Old Ludgrovians and the Old Elstree boys. 
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  • Wiggin Cup Football 2016

    Published 09/11/16
    The annual Wiggin Cup (Old Ludgrovians v. 1st XI) took place this weekend with a full team of old boys, most of whom are current parents, playing against our 1st XI.  
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  • Old Ludgrovian Football

    Published 18/10/16
    This Sunday we welcomed back over 45 Old Ludgrovians to play football against the staff; one of the highlights of the calendar as old friendships are rekindled and a lot of fun had.  There was a wonderful spirit and sense of loyalty and it was tremendous to see so many familiar faces.
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